“Pushkin’s card”. November 25, 2021. A museum lesson on “The bitter fate of mothers”.

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 “Pushkin’s card”


On 25 November 2021, a staff member of Bolgar Museum-Reserve Sagirova L. Sh. within the project “Pushkin’s card” held a knowledge museum lesson on “The bitter fate of mothers” for the students of a comprehensive school of the village Iske Ryazyap. The event devoted to Mother’s Day took place in the museum of Abdulla Alish.
At the lesson, kids became familiar with the museum exposition and learned about the women Alish loved. The dearest woman of the children’s author was his mother Gaziza. She taught him to read and write, developed his love for literature and inspired him.
Among women surrounding Abdulla, there also were his sister Zakira and his lovely wife, the mother of his sons Rokiya. During the museum lesson, kids listened to the letters written to Alish by his mother. Gaziza apa has been waiting for her son from the front all her life, wrote him poems through which she conveyed to Abdulla all her maternal love and feelings.


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