December 14, 2018. National cuisine is a source of studying history.

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Historical events taking place in different countries, as well as their geographical location, culture, traditions, national characteristics and religious beliefs of their peoples have had a great influence on national recipes.
The culinary art of the Tatar people is rich in its national and cultural traditions, going back centuries. In the course of centuries-old history there was an original national cuisine, which has preserved its original features to the present day. Volga Tatars, as is known, originated from Turkic-speaking tribes (Bulgars, etc.), which settled on the territory of the Middle Volga and Lower Kama region long before the Mongol invasion. At the end of IX – beginning of X centuries there was formed an early feudal state called Volga Bulgaria.
On December 14, 2018, the head of the Department of Museum and educational activities of the Bulgarian Museum-reserve Vagapov R. Z. held an interactive event on “national cuisine-a source of studying history” with the participants of the club “Golden autumn” at the MBU “inter – Settlement Central library of the Spassky municipal district of Tatarstan”. At the event, the participants discussed how the national cuisine, to trace the development of the history of the people, on the example of Tatar national dishes. The master class learned the history and traditions of serving one of the oldest dishes of Tatar cuisine “Bal-may”, whose roots go back to the times of Volga Bulgaria.
During the conversation, it was concluded that the original Tatar cuisine was formed in the course of the centuries — old history of the existence of the ethnic group and its interaction and contact in everyday life with its neighbors-Russian, Mari, Chuvash, Mordvins, etc.


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