December 14, 2018. Scientific and practical conference ” alkeevsky municipal district: nature, history, economy, culture»

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On December 14, 2018, the II Regional scientific and practical conference “alkeevsky municipal district: nature, history, economy, culture”was held in the village of Bazarnye Mataki. At the plenary session, the researchers of the Institute of Tatar encyclopedia of the Republic of Tatarstan, who noted the importance of the Encyclopedia of alkeevsky district. D. G. Mukhametshin made a report “problems of study and conservation of the epigraphic heritage of the alkeevsky district” and raised the issue of preservation of cultural heritage on the territory of the district. Epigraphy is an important source that allows us to learn many aspects of the ancient history of the region.
D. G. Mukhametshin’s contribution was marked by the certificate of Honor Of the head of alkeevsky municipal district of RT “for contribution to the study and preservation of cultural heritage of alkeevsky district”. At the first section, devoted to the problems of studying the historical and cultural heritage of the alkeevsky district, were the staff Of the Institute of Tatar encyclopedia of Tatarstan, numismatists, teachers. The second section was devoted to the history of settlements of alkeevsky district. It was made by students of local schools, which opened the pages of the history of the district. The report of I. D. Mukhametshin was devoted to the question of the emergence of the village of Bazarnye Mataki. On the territory of the village was opened an early village with imenkov ceramics proving that people have settled here since ancient times.
As a result of the conference, a resolution was adopted, which stressed the importance of these conferences, and recommended to hold a conference on the national costume in 2020 in one of the ancient villages of the alkeevsky municipal district of Tatarstan.


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