October 14, 2024. Information-educational event “Ethnic diversity of Volga Bulgaria”.
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On October 14, 2024, an employee of the Bolgar Museum-Reserve Hramov D.P. for 19 students of Spassky Technical College of Sectoral Technologies held an information-educational event “Ethnic diversity of Volga Bulgaria”.
The participants visited the Museum of Bulgarian Civilization and learned that the ethnic composition of the population of Volga Bulgaria in the initial period of this state, in X-XI centuries, was quite diverse. Besides already known to us Bulgars, Suvars, Barandjars, in sources of X century also Esegels are mentioned. Later the population of Volga Bulgaria included some groups of Oguzes-Pechenegs and Kipchaks, as well as neighboring peoples (Burtas, Madjars, Muroma and others). In the process of formation of the state, the strongest was the ethno-political association of Bulgars headed by the ruler Almush, which created in the first half of IX century the Bolgar and Suvar emirates. The names of some of these major tribes are associated with the names of some big cities.
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