14 September 2024. An event ‘History of the development of medicine in Volga Bulgaria’.

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On 14 September 2024, an employee of the Bolgar Museum-Reserve Bitunova Y. A. for 15 tourists held an event on ‘History of the development of medicine in Volga Bulgaria’.
Medical knowledge of Volga Bulgaria was based on the traditions of folk medicine (importance was given to the healing properties of honey, birch broom, beaver jet, belemnites). Medicine in X-XI centuries from folk medicine was gradually transformed into professional, scientific. The works of eastern physicians who achieved great success at that time influenced the development of medical knowledge. Among them, we should particularly note the greatest scientist Abu-Ali Ibn Sina. Of great interest are the extant reports about Bulgar medical scientists whose works were popular in the East. These are brothers Tajutdin and Hasan ibn-Yunus al-Bulgari. They have written the work devoted to antidote medicines. Thus, Bulgar medicine in this period of history was also known in the Eastern countries.
During the event, the tourists learnt a lot of new and interesting things about the history of development of medicine among the nations that used to inhabit the territory of present-day Tatarstan.

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