23 July 2024. A lecture ‘The Age of Change’.

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On 23 July 2024, the researcher Muhametshin I.D. delivered a lecture ‘The Age of Change’ for the visitors of the Bolgar Museum-Reserve. The listeners learnt about the large-scale events that changed the lives of many peoples and contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire.
In II century, a mass migration of Hunnish tribes to the west began. It marked the beginning of the Turkization of the steppes and the formation of Eurasian Turkic states. From that time, i.e. from II-III centuries AD, the movement of eastern tribes began to be felt by the tribes of the Volga and Urals. The Huns at the turn of the 4th-5th century occupied the steppe zone north of the Black Sea from the Danube to the Volga and waged numerous internal and external local wars.
Among the Hun-Turkic tribes, who came in II century AD to the northern coast of the Caspian Sea, the main mass were the Proto-Bulgarian tribes. Numerous treasures and jewelry have come down to us. A striking evidence of the Hun culture are bronze cauldrons, which have been found from France to China. Copies of these objects can be seen in the Bolgar Museum-Reserve. They speak of the wide spread of Hunnic tradition among the peoples of Eurasia.
Eleven people attended the lecture.


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