8 July 2024. An event on “Family holiday”.

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On 8 July 2024, on the basis of the Nikolskaya rural library a researcher of the Bolgar Museum-Reserve Osintseva O.P. together with the library employee Silyutina R. for 5 pupils of the Nikolskaya secondary school held an event on “Family holiday” dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.
During the event, the pupils learnt the history of the holiday, became acquainted with the main symbols and talked about traditions and customs.
The participants were offered a creative task – to create a house of their dreams using bricks “happiness”, “understanding”, “respect” and “love”. The children recalled sayings and proverbs about family, many of which are used in family life.
The main symbol of this holiday is the daisy. Chamomile, the most famous and favorite flower in Russia, the flower of Russian fields and meadows. Very native, kind, homely flower, which symbolizes tenderness, beauty, purity, warmth, comfort and goodness. The daisy has a lot of petals, as if a large, friendly family gathered around a round table. That is why the daisy became a symbol of the holiday of family, love and fidelity.
At the end of the event, the participants wove beautiful wreaths of field daisies.


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