6 March 2024. A lecture on “Ah, what a woman”.
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On 6 March 2024, a researcher of the Bolgar Museum-Reserve Krivosheyeva S.V. delivered an informative lecture on “Ah, what a woman” for the pupils of the 10th grade of Bolgar secondary school No. 2. Nine people attended the lecture.
The children learnt about extraordinary women who lived in different periods of history, who left a bright trace in the history of Russia and embodied the best human qualities: talent and intelligence, grace and beauty, will to win and determination.
There have been great women in history who have done no less for humankind than great men have. But how few books are written about them, how few monuments are erected to them, how few films are made.
Yet great and beautiful women remained in the memory of humanity. This is just fine, because we have something to learn from these great women.
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