1 February 2024. Participation in the All-Russian scientific-practical conference “XVII Evseev Readings”. — — — — — —
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On 1 February 2024, in the main building of the National Museum of the Republic of Mari El named after T. Evseev, the opening ceremony of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference “XVII Evseev Readings” took place. Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Mari El, Minister of Culture, Press and Nationalities K. A. Ivanov welcomed the participants.
Within the framework of the conference opening, there was a presentation of the exhibition “The Earth Born by Heaven”. Renovation of the ethnography hall and the exhibition project “Life Cycle Rites. Traditional culture of the Mari people of the late XIX – early XX centuries” became possible thanks to the National Project “Culture” in 2023.
In the exhibition hall there was a plenary session devoted to the theme of the conference. Then there were four thematic sessions:
• “Technical achievements in museum practice”;
• “Science in the museum space: idea – concept – practice”;
• “Cultural and educational achievements”;
• “Museum tourism”.
At the thematic session “Museum tourism”, G. M. Musina, a researcher of the Bolgar Museum-Reserve, delivered the report «Development of Tourism in the Bolgar Museum-Reserve» in the online format.
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