Implementation of the project “Creation of a hobby club for veterans (pensioners) of Spassky district – Live, Dream, Create”.

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Charitable Foundation “Social wellbeing of Spassky district” within the framework of the project “Creation of a hobby club for veterans (pensioners) of Spassky district – Live, Dream, Create” with the use of a grant competition to provide grants to non-profit organizations implementing socially significant projects in the municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan, carried out a number of activities:
1. On 10 November 2023, 40 veterans of Spassky district visited the Kazan Kremlin Museum-Reserve.
2. Sports events are organized for the elderly 2 times a week at the sports school “Olympus” in Spassky municipal district.
The project manager is L.A. Sabirova, an employee of the Bolgar Museum-Reserve.
The project will be continued according to the approved plan.


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