November 17, 2022. A lesson “Meet archaeology!”

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On 17 November 2022, staff members of the Museum of Bulgarian Civilization Zarifullina T. G., Kamayeva T. P. and Salnikova V. A. conducted an information-knowledge lesson “Meet archeology!” for the students of the 5th grade of Bolgar secondary school № 1. Schoolchildren were introduced with archeology – a historical discipline, with its basic concepts, its features, the profession of an archeologist, with such concepts as a repository, the keeper of funds.
Mysterious, unlike any other science, the queen of mysteries, amazing discoveries – archaeology…The science of mysteries and secrets of the past. Archaeologists can study these distant times only by those things that are preserved deep underground. That is why archaeology is called “history armed with a shovel.”
Archaeology in the modern world is a very important science, which allows us to lift the veil of secrets of ancient civilizations, allows us to study the culture and life of different eras, and introduces the remains of ancient animals and plants. The work of archeologists is extremely popular nowadays because many mysteries and riddles of ancient peoples and civilizations of our planet are not uncovered yet. Archaeology is a science for the patient. Not every day archaeologists find valuable mummies, but periodically you can come across something really amazing, whether it is ancient computers, huge underground armies or mysterious remains, and then there is a furor.
Before starting work, archaeologists study special literature: historical sources, works on geography, botany, zoology, climatology, analyze legends and tales associated with the place of excavation. Before proceeding to the field work, archaeologists conduct archaeological reconnaissance: examine the place of future work, make a map-plan, outline the scope of work. Then they organize a small excavation work – pitting. Excavation follows. Archaeologists remove the earth layer by layer. Each such layer – a bayonet – is approximately 18-20 cm.
The material collected during the archaeological excavations is sent to the Institute of Archaeology or to the appropriate museum where it is cleaned, restored and studied. Our museum is one of such museums where there is an open exposition. Also in our museum-reserve, there are specially equipped premises, which are called storage-rooms where the museum objects are kept. Here is observed the necessary regime of humidity, light, temperature, necessary for the preservation of ancient exhibits. Special people – keepers of the funds watch over all this. The keeper must have elementary knowledge of physics and chemistry and understand what conditions are necessary for each type of museum material.
Pupils were shown and told about the cultural layers of strata, introduced to the objects discovered during excavations, and even held the items in their hands. Then children became “archaeologists” and enthusiastically participated in the quest “In search of treasure”. After completing the tasks of the quest, teams formed a picture of a ceramic jug from puzzles. The team of girls was the winner. At the end of the event, a treasure awaited all the participants – a clay pot with silver and gold sweet “coins”. There were 23 participants in the event.


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