October 5, 2021. An interactive lesson on “Medieval ink”.

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On 5 October 2021, a research associate of the museum and educational department of Bolgar Museum-Reserve Krivosheyeva S. V. held an interactive lesson on “Medieval ink” for the students of the 2nd grade of Bolgar sanatorium-type residential school.
It is hard to meet a person who does not use ink and does not know what it is, but not everyone knows the history of its appearance.
When it became necessary for humanity to record something and preserve it for posterity, special compositions for writing appeared.
During the event, children knew about the most ancient recipe for ink – it was soot with gum (cherry glue) diluted in usual water, and, interestingly, ink was variously called in different countries. For lightly washed off inscriptions, ink was made of soot and gum, and for strong inscriptions, ink oak nuts and the same gum were used. The word “ink” comes from the Latin word “encaustum” (burned).
At the event, children made medieval ink themselves and could use them for writing their names and even for painting.



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