October 5, 2021. An information-knowledge event on “The light of wisdom”.

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On 5 October 2021, staff members of the Museum of Bulgarian Civilization Zarifullina T. G., Kamayeva T. P. and Salnikova V. A. within the decade of older person held an information-knowledge event on “The light of wisdom” for pensioners of the veteran’s organization of the administration of Spassky municipal district of Tatarstan.
On 1 October, the International Day of Older Persons is marked. The decision to establish the holiday was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1990. At first, people celebrated the day of older persons in the Nordic countries of Europe, then in America, and since the late 1980s – throughout the world. Finally, the holiday was declared by the UN General Assembly in 1990, and in Russia – in 1992.
The veterans visited the Well of Gabdrakhman, became acquainted with the history and legend of its appearance and enjoyed the colors of autumn nature. The event continued in the Museum of Bulgarian Civilization.
The guests actively participated in the conversation about the history of emergence of the International Day of Older Persons, its significance and the possibility to improve the quality of life of the very old. They also became acquainted with interesting facts of celebrating the holiday in different countries and knew information about centenarians, took part in funny contests, quizzes, puzzles and games. The veterans watched a musical video congratulation prepared using photographic materials of the work of the veteran’s organization. The event ended with a friendly tea party.



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