September 16, 2021. An event on “Healers of Volga Bulgaria”.

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On 16 September 2021, a staff member of the department “Museum Street” of Bolgar Museum-Reserve Bitunova Yu. A. held an event on “Healers of Volga Bulgaria”.
Medical knowledge of Volga Bulgaria was based on traditions of folk medicine (importance was given to the healing properties of honey, birch bath broom, castoreum, the belemnite). Traditional medicine in X-XI centuries was gradually becoming professional, scientific. Bulgars’ medical knowledge reached a certain level. People appeared whose main occupation was treatment of sick persons, search for ways to treat diseases and systematization of scientific medical knowledge. Writings of eastern doctors who achieved great success at that time had an impact on the development of medical knowledge. A leading scientist Ibn Sina was among them. The great interest is represented by information survived about Bulgar medical scientists whose writings were popular in the East. For example, brothers Tadzhutdin and Khasan ibn Yunus al-Bulgari wrote a work devoted to antidotes. Thus, Bulgar medicine at that time was famous in eastern countries.
During the event, kids knew many new and interesting things about the history of development of medicine of peoples who used to live in the territory of modern Tatarstan.



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