2 April 2021. A video event on “Printed publications in Arabic graphics”.

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Татар – китаплы халык.
Һәр табуда күпме югалтулар!
Кыйммәтләнә ачыш-табышлар.
Һәр яңада бераз куаныч булса,
Җуюларда азмы сагышлар!..
Р. Фәйзуллин.
On 2 April 2021, a methodist of the museum and educational department of Bolgar Museum-Reserve Sagirova L. Sh. held a video event on “Printed publications in Arabic graphics”. Tatars were involved in writing for a long time. During many centuries before the beginning of the 19th century, Tatars used manuscript books created by specialists-calligraphers in Arabic graphics.
No matter where they lived, Tatars tried to build mosques, to open schools-madrasahs, to bring education and book industry to life. A large number of proverbs and sayings of Tatars devoted to education and knowledge, poetic works of ancient poets and catchphrases of modern writers glorify a book.
Arabic writing and books in Arabic graphics entered the culture of Tatars forever. Unfortunately, because of not knowing Arabic graphics, the present generation of Tatars cannot use this great historic wealth, except for specialists-researchers. It is about tens of thousands of manuscript and printed books in archives, libraries and funds of the museums.


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