24 November 2020. An information-entertaining lesson on “About the person who gives us life and warmth…”

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On 24 November 2020, staff members of the Museum of Bulgarian Civilization Zarifullina T. G., Kamayeva T. P. and Salnikova V. A. held an information-entertaining lesson on “About the person who gives us life and warmth…” devoted to Mother’s Day. The event was held for the students of the 1st “B” grade of Bolgar Comprehensive School №1.
Children listened with great interest to a story about the history of emergence of the holiday and knew how we celebrate it in Russia. Mother’s Day is a holiday of eternity: from generation to generation for everyone mother is the main person in life. This new holiday is gradually taking root in Russia. Founded by President of the Russian Federation on 30 January 1998, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November paying tribute to maternal labor and mothers’ selfless sacrifice for the good of their children. It is right: no matter how many good, kind words were told to mothers, no matter how many reasons were coined for that, they will not be too much. On this day, mothers receive flowers, souvenirs, little pleasant things, unexpected surprises and burning kisses, but the main present is attention. With great love and tenderness, children made for their mothers colorful postcards with butterflies. They actively participated in a competition for the best story about mother “My mom is the best!” Funny Petrushka created for kids a joyful and cheerful mood, organized fun games and contests – “Familiarity”, “Warm-up”, “Penguins”, “Fashionista”, “Find mother”, “Guess a hero of a story” and others. Children also visited the exhibition “Tatar ornament in folk art” where they became acquainted with the distinctive elements of national ornament, a color scheme and a field of use. An art exhibition of our compatriot V. N. Kirgizin “Autumn is an artist” received a lot of interest. This exhibit is a hymn to the beauty of fall, a bright and wonderful season of the year. The lesson ended with sweet prizes and colorful photographs as a souvenir.


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