On 11 March 2020, an event on “Multinational Tatarstan” took place.

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On 11 March 2020, a staff member of the Department of Guided Tours Organization of Bolgar Museum-Reserve Mukhamedov V. A. held an event on “Multinational Tatarstan” for the students of the 9th grades of Bolgar sanatorium-type residential school.
Many peoples and confessions live in harmony in our republic. Preserving peace among nations is one of the priorities for our country. Tatarstan achieved great success in this field. Not only other regions of Russia, but also other countries learn from the unique experience of the republic. But complacency is never advisable because life is a constant motion. That is why the main purpose of this activity was the education of new generations in a direction of propaganda of inter-ethnic and inter-faith peace.
During the event, the students learned about the history of nations living in our republic, about the peculiarities of their culture and traditions. The similarity of brotherly peoples of Tatarstan is especially underlined, and because of this, peoples of different nationalities and confessions can understand and respect each other. The kids actively asked questions and took part in a discussion what speaks for the great interest of the younger generation in the history of their native land.

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