On 22 January 2020, an interactive event on “Kuyan kyzy” (“Bunny”) was held.

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On 22 January 2020, a staff member of the museum and educational department of Bolgar Museum-Reserve Sagirova L.Sh. held an interactive event on “Kuyan kyzy” (“Bunny”) for the students of the 1st-4th grades of Bolgar Comprehensive School №2.
Abdulla Alish is a children’s author who wrote 30 fairytales. These stories inculcate love for nature, labor and justice. At the event, schoolchildren listened to one of the first stories of Alish “Kuyan kyzy” in Tatar, then learnt words, phrases from it and tried to submit a theatrical performance themselves. Boys and girls with pleasure showed their creative abilities and talents for acting. This sort of acquaintance with the works of Abdulla Alish leaves a bright memorable trace. The author’s moral and spiritual guidance can find a grateful response in every child’s soul.
At the end of the event, students became acquainted with different kinds of felt shoes: valenki, valeshi, chyosanki, valyoshi, valenki-boots and knew about their use for the organism in cold winter.




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