November 4, 2019. Conversation on the theme ” in unity our strength»

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On November 4, 2019, a conversation on the historical theme entitled “in unity our strength” was held for the students of the school camp of MBOU “Bulgarian secondary school No. 1” by the staff of the Department of organization of excursions of the Bulgarian Museum-reserve V. N. Glavnova and L. I. Sabirzyanova. The purpose of this event is the formation and development of a sense of patriotism, justification of the need for peaceful coexistence of people of different nationalities.
Russia is at the crossroads of two civilizations, called East and West. Throughout its centuries-old history, Russia has served as one of the important bridges between Western and Eastern civilizations. In the formation of the Russian people took part a large number of different, including non-Slavic peoples. Thus, it turns out that the multinational character of our country was determined at the very beginning of its origin.
In the history of our country there are many tragic moments, our country wanted to conquer different conquerors. And only thanks to the unity of the entire people, patriotism was able to defend the freedom and independence of our state.
National unity day is celebrated as a big state holiday on the territory of all Russia on November 4. His main date of birth is called 1612, when Minin and Pozharsky organized the people to protect the city of Moscow and the entire Russian land from the Polish invaders.
During the event, with a presentation the students were told about how many nationalities, peoples and ethnic groups living in Russia. These peoples differ from each other in their national or native language, national dress, customs, traditions, national cuisine, holidays, songs, dances, musical instruments or, more precisely, in their culture, appearance and character. Many people live in our country. And they all make up a single friendly family.
To consolidate the knowledge gained, a quiz was held, as well as a competition for the compilation of Proverbs about friendship and a competition “Learn and name”. At the end of the event, the children drew drawings on the theme ” in unity is our strength.”


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