October 10, 2019. Lecture on ” the Future is ours»

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October 10, 2019 on the territory of the Bulgarian Museum-reserve for students of grade 6 from the city of Ulyanovsk employee of the Department of excursions BGIAMZ Salimova G. I. held a lecture on “the Future is ours”, where students talked and fantasized about the future of mankind. The purpose of the lecture-the formation of cultural and moral values among young people, the development of creative thinking.
What the future will be, it is difficult to predict. Science fiction writers use different ways to describe the future. But in most cases, they are similar in one thing: in the society of people there will be robots that will have artificial intelligence, and people will begin to move to other planets. Perhaps it will be so. After all, once people thought that the earth is flat, but when they began to surf the ocean and open continents, they realized that the situation is quite different.
Over time, people will also begin to discover new planets, as they once discovered new continents. Man can not sit still, he is looking to the future, before him there are many secrets that he has to reveal.
Someone is afraid of the future, because the unknown is always frightening. What awaits man in a few hundred years, no one knows. A lot depends on the person, it is he who creates history and builds the future. Perhaps the most important thing is that people take care of the future for the new generation, so that they do not have to suffer from diseases, lack of food. We must take care of the state in which the planet earth will go to our descendants, so it is so important to take care of nature, the environment, as well as the history and cultural achievements of mankind, and just be kind to each other.
During the tour, students not only learned a lot about the objects of the Museum-reserve, but also fantasized about their future, and also thought about the seriousness and importance of this topic, because the future depends on them-ordinary students, who must build a decent life for the population of the planet. At the end of the lecture, the guys took a photo for memory.


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