November 1, 2018. Event ” in the unity of the people-the power of the country»

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November 1, 2018 Sharifullina T. G., T. P. Kamaeva and V. A. Salnikov at the Museum of Bolgar civilization in the framework of the party project “Historical memory” held informational and educational event “the unity of the people – power of the country” and the opening of the exhibition “many-sided Russia”, timed to the celebration of national unity Day for the preparatory group of the kindergarten “Kolosok.” Children in an accessible form were presented information about the significant pages of Russian history, when patriotism and citizenship helped our people to unite and protect the country from invaders in 1612, to overcome the times of anarchy and strengthen the Russian state, met with folk heroes Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. Also, the children took an active part in the drawing contest “my small Motherland”. The event ended with a tour of the halls Of the Museum of Bulgarian civilization.


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